Phoenix Rising Ceremonies


Check List

This is a checklist to help guide you along in the process. This may have changed since Covid, so call the law library at the unit and verify.

INTENDED SPOUSE (person on the outside)

  • Pay non-refundable retainer. Upon payment, you will be emailed the contract.

  • Check with your county for the Absentee Applicant Affidavit and Requirements (forms can be downloaded from the website)

  • Request a copy or your loved one’s Prison ID card and/or birth certificate as needed by the clerk.

  • Send Affidavit to your loved one with the correct spelling of your Officiant’s name.

  • Do NOT get the license until approval for wedding is done (this way, you are not out $ if for some reason it was denied).

  • Once approved, you may pay me the full amount or start payments (as long as paid in full 1 week before wedding).

  • Once you have the license, notify the warden and/or unit chaplain.


  • Request I-60 to fill out to start the process inside the unit.

  • Send Affidavit and copy of ID to your intended spouse to get marriage license.

  • Submit I-60 to law library to request approval for marriage with name of Officiant.


  • Law Library

  • Review I-60 for completeness

  • Confirm the approved Officiant

  • Approve or deny the request

  • If approved, gets forwarded to Inmate Records

  • If denied, gets forwarded to Warden


  • Verify Inmate is not currently married

  • Verify intended spouse is an approved visitor

  • Verify intended spouse is at least 18 years old

  • Approve or deny the request

  • If approved, gets forwarded to warden for final approval

  • If denied, gets forwarded to warden for concurrence


  • Review and approve or deny the request

  • If approved, gets forwarded to chaplain to schedule date and time

  • If denied, inmate is notified


  • Schedule next available date and time

  • Reschedule, if needed, due to unforeseen circumstances with warden approval